It was the cheapest rental in Germany with an automatic, I swear!

It was the cheapest rental in Germany with an automatic, I swear!

Hi there! I'm Jonathon Markowski, and I'm an industrial designer. I believe in taking the world apart so that you can put it back together a bit better than it was before. I chose design because for as long as I can remember I've been making things, taking things apart and drawing on any scrap of paper I could get my hands on. 

Give me a new city, a camera and bus fare and I'll be happy. I love exploring new places, and using photography to see the world in a different light. Ask me how I draw and you might get a lecture and a hands-on tutorial, because when I'm not designing you can find me anywhere I can teach. I've worked at camps, maker spaces and schools because the world needs more designers.

I've been doing this for a long time.

I've been doing this for a long time.

I like buses and trains but I love cars. I was the kind of kid who didn't just ask my dad for Hot Wheels; I looked them up online and asked him to bring home specific ones. And sometimes he did. My passion for all things automotive grew from die-cast to car shows, and the inevitable driver's license. I love driving, but I don't drive to get places and I don't drive in traffic, because I drive for fun. I want to specialize in car design because it's hard to talk about the world and the challenges we face without addressing the wheeled elephant in the room. I love cars and I love cities, and I know that the two can co-exist. There's no other option.  We are at a crossroads and design is the catalyst. I want to be part of the change because I know that is what designers do best.

I created this website to showcase what I do and how I think; I'll be adding new work all the time, and posting on the blog page as I see fit. Design can be beautiful, it can be meaningful and it can be thought-provoking. What I do may not be all of those things all the time, but it's what I strive for. Are you curious?